The following links open many of our previous Newsletters. (Note: All previous Newsletters were archived on our defunct original site. If there is a particular missing issue that you want to see, we may be able to post it here upon request.)

Noteworthy Back Issues

-Our Buy, Sell, and Hold Signals Again Prove Accurate (Dec 2009)

-Buy, Sell, or Hold? What Our Research on Performance Shows (Aug 2008)

-Making Buy, Sell, and Hold Decisions During Times Like These: A New Approach (July 2008)

-Warnings Signs of a Bear Market? Mirror Images Between 2000 and 2007 (Jan 2008)

Many Older Back Issues Starting Early 2009

Click here (This link may take a little time to open - please be patient.)

If you want to see even more content from our old web site, including more about me and what readers have said about this site, you may be able to access some of it by clicking here. However, not all the content will be accessible.

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